My real dream was to own a horse and live on a small farm. In chasing that dream, I caught it, and presently dwell in a small Pennsylvania farm house circa 1870, with my hubby and our horses, etc, etc, etc. I hadn’t touched art for 7yrs, THEN…since we love candles, began a small beeswax candle business 2005 called, The Primitive Chandler.
The Bumble Bee is the signature doll for Outside the Box Primitives because beeswax restarted my creating, after much encouragement from my children! While working as a nurse for a sweet handicapped girl…her family told me she loved art. I began bringing my doll art with me to work. It made her smile. She enjoyed watching the dolls go from flat to fat and plain to personality. The dolls became quite demanding in my head, scratching, and entering my dreams anxious to be let out. I began creating the “tinies” full time spring 2008, leaving nursing behind. It makes me happy.
My first published doll was a witch in Art Doll Quarterly, fall 2008. I am still humbled and honored with each new publication. The latest accomplishment is to be an officially licensed artist for Bethany Lowe Designs. My dolls are presently being reproduced in the Philippines, and I look forward to their debut in the July 2010 catalog and in stores January 2011.
I thank my husband, Dr. Roger Seeber for all his encouragement and tolerance being married to an artist, he is a scientist! If it weren’t for him, I would not be able to do what I do. Thanks to my daughter Shanna for her help, support and expertise in banners and backgrounds! Thanks to all my customers who love, purchase and collect Outside the Box Primitives.
“ a daily saturation of art gives reality purpose”.
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Thanks for your ear...I hope you enjoy my work, keep in touch!
Robin~artist " it makes me happy"
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